The Features

CIA Psychologist Waterboarded, Comforted, Received Poem from Accused 9/11 Mastermind

CIA Psychologist Waterboarded, Comforted, Received Poem from Accused 9/11 Mastermind

By | News & Features, Guantanamo Bay

Dr. Bruce Jessen testified that waterboarding the accused 9/11 plot mastermind took “a great toll” both on himself and the detainee.

Federal Agent Says 9/11 Suspect Was ‘The Boss’ of His Guantanamo Interrogations

Federal Agent Says 9/11 Suspect Was ‘The Boss’ of His Guantanamo Interrogations

By | News & Features, Guantanamo Bay

Guantanamo Naval Base, Cuba – Walid bin Attash, a defendant in the Sept. 11 case, arrived at h…

Former CIA Psychiatrist Testifies to Lasting Brain Trauma from Black Site Interrogations

Former CIA Psychiatrist Testifies to Lasting Brain Trauma from Black Site Interrogations

By | News & Features, Guantanamo Bay

Guantanamo Naval Base, Cuba – A forensic psychiatrist testified this week that a 9/11 defendan…

Judge on 9/11 Case Visits CIA Black Site on Guantanamo Bay

Judge on 9/11 Case Visits CIA Black Site on Guantanamo Bay

By | News & Features, Guantanamo Bay

The historic visit by a judge will factor into his decision to admit statements the 9/11 defendants made on Guantanamo Bay to the FBI.

As Witness Health Issues Mount, Judge Considers Compelling Testimony of Covert CIA Officer

As Witness Health Issues Mount, Judge Considers Compelling Testimony of Covert CIA Officer

By | News & Features, Guantanamo Bay

Defense attorney Alka Pradhan argued that the judge should compel the testimony of a covert officer from the CIA black sites.

A Month at Guantanamo Proves 'Crushing' and 'Corrosive' as Battle Over Incriminating Evidence Endures

A Month at Guantanamo Proves 'Crushing' and 'Corrosive' as Battle Over Incriminating Evidence Endures

By | News & Features, Guantanamo Bay

Guantanamo Naval Base, Cuba – Kimberly Waltz has long been a fixture in the back of the Guanta…

Government Investigator Testifies on Limits to Accessing CIA Black Site Witnesses

Government Investigator Testifies on Limits to Accessing CIA Black Site Witnesses

By | News & Features, Guantanamo Bay

Guantanamo Naval Base, Cuba – A criminal investigator with the U.S. Army last week revealed pr…

After Four-Year Gap, Former CIA Psychologist Retakes the Stand in 9/11 Case

After Four-Year Gap, Former CIA Psychologist Retakes the Stand in 9/11 Case

By | News & Features, Guantanamo Bay

Dr. James Mitchell, who played a key role in engineering the CIA's "enhanced interrogation" program, is a crucial witness in the proceedings.

Tensions Escalate in 9/11 Suppression Hearings Over Security Interruptions

Tensions Escalate in 9/11 Suppression Hearings Over Security Interruptions

By | News & Features, Guantanamo Bay

Guantanamo Naval Base, Cuba – Coordination between the CIA and the FBI investigating those res…

In Final Hearing of 2023, FBI Witness Testifies On Secret Recordings Made of 9/11 Defendants

In Final Hearing of 2023, FBI Witness Testifies On Secret Recordings Made of 9/11 Defendants

By | News & Features, Guantanamo Bay

Guantanamo Naval Base, Cuba – An FBI language analyst testified this week that he made ac…

Judge on 9/11 Case Signals Willingness to Rule on Suppression Dispute

Judge on 9/11 Case Signals Willingness to Rule on Suppression Dispute

By | News & Features, Guantanamo Bay

Defense lawyers and prosecutors differed sharply on whether Air Force Col. Matthew McCall could determine the fate of the defendants' confessions prior to his retirement next year.

Guantanamo’s ‘Hockey Light’ Becomes Focus of Resumed 9/11 Proceedings

Guantanamo’s ‘Hockey Light’ Becomes Focus of Resumed 9/11 Proceedings

By | News & Features, Guantanamo Bay

Testimony from a key FBI witness was repeatedly interrupted by security measures that halt public proceedings to prevent spills of classified information.

With Key FBI Witness, 9/11 Case Returns to Suppression Hearings of Historic Complexity

With Key FBI Witness, 9/11 Case Returns to Suppression Hearings of Historic Complexity

By | News & Features, Guantanamo Bay

Guantanamo Naval Base, Cuba – Prosecutors on Guantanamo Bay this week called one of the most i…

Judge Severs 9/11 Defendant from Case Due to Mental Illness

Judge Severs 9/11 Defendant from Case Due to Mental Illness

By | News & Features, Guantanamo Bay

A military has severed one of the five defendants from the 9/11 case after finding him mentally incompetent.

Judge Excludes Gitmo Defendant's Confession Because of CIA Torture

Judge Excludes Gitmo Defendant's Confession Because of CIA Torture

By | News & Features, Guantanamo Bay

The USS Cole Bombing ruling will likely have an impact on the 9/11 case, excluding a key defense argument.

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