By John Ryan | Lawyer Limelights, Plaintiff Consumer Limelights
Given his success in court, it’s hard to imagine Yechezkel “Chezky” Rodal doing anything else …
July 1, 2019
By Alison Preece | Lawyer Limelights, Plaintiff Consumer Limelights
Michael Hausfeld has always approached the law as a tool to improve the world. From working with Nat…
May 19, 2019
By Katrina Dewey | Lawyer Limelights, News & Features
Before #MeToo,there was Anita Hill. In 1991, the scholarly law professor told her story. Of her ear…
December 16, 2018
By John Ryan | Lawyer Limelights, News & Features
Few lawyers in the Lawdragon 500 are having as significant an impact on our justice system as Alec K…
January 15, 2018