By Katrina Dewey | Lawyer Limelights, News & Features, Wachtell Lipton Features
Ted Mirvis tiptoed up the stairs to the attic in his family’s new home at 158 Algonquin Road i…
January 22, 2017
By Lawdragon News | Press Releases
Feb. 28, 2014 - Wilmington, Del - The Honorable Leo E. Strine, Jr. was sworn in for his first term a…
March 2, 2014
By John Ryan | Lawyer Limelights
Attorney Brian Gottesman heads the Corporate/Business Entity Counseling practice at Berger Harris, …
February 4, 2013
By Katrina Dewey | Lawyer Limelights, Wachtell Lipton Features, Dealmakers
The thing about the attorneys at Wachtell Lipton that often goes unsaid is that they may be better a…
November 18, 2012
By Xenia Kobylarz | Lawyer Limelights
Greg Williams, past president and head of the corporate department, which includes the corporate lit…
October 2, 2012