Financial institutions caught up in the economic crisis that hit in 2007 have faced an avalanche of …
October 21, 2016
| Lawyer Limelights, Plaintiff Consumer Limelights
A key component in plaintiff-side litigators making the Lawdragon 500 guide is the impact of th…
September 30, 2016
By Katrina Dewey | Lawyer Limelights, Boies Schiller Features
Magazine feature: Lawdragon founder Katrina Dewey sat down with David Boies at the Four Seasons in M…
December 2, 2012
By John Ryan | Lawyer Limelights
Who would you hire if caught up in a complex criminal case – murder, racketeering, bribery, any ty…
October 22, 2012
By Xenia Kobylarz | Lawyer Limelights
Greg Williams, past president and head of the corporate department, which includes the corporate lit…
October 2, 2012
By Xenia Kobylarz | News & Features
The founders of three-year-old Chicago-based Global IP Law Group have profited from a well-timed bet…
September 26, 2012
By John Ryan | Lawyer Limelights
Although Ed Moss admits he misses representing plaintiffs (he was good at it), a whole slew of corp…
September 16, 2012
By John Ryan | Lawyer Limelights
Many lawyers enter the legal profession “to make a difference,” as is Victor Sher’s explanatio…
September 3, 2012
By Xenia Kobylarz | Lawyer Limelights
Veteran trial lawyer Jennifer Keller, the founder of Keller Rackauckas in Irvine, Calif., …
August 26, 2012
By Xenia Kobylarz | Lawyer Limelights, Outten & Golden Features
Wayne Outten, founder and managing partner of employment and labor firm Outten & Golden in New Y…
August 12, 2012
By John Ryan | Lawyer Limelights
It’s always nice to go out – or at least make a career change – on top, which defines the rece…
August 5, 2012
By Xenia Kobylarz | Lawyer Limelights
If a brokerage firm is in bankruptcy trouble, James Giddens, head of Hughes Hubbard's corporate reo…
July 29, 2012
By Xenia Kobylarz | Lawyer Limelights
Paul Hastings partner Nancy Abell is on the speed dial of many in-house counsel at Fortune 100 compa…
July 15, 2012
By John Ryan | Lawyer Limelights
The type of litigator who makes the Lawdragon 500 guide varies, but inevitably that person brings a …
July 10, 2012
By Xenia Kobylarz | Lawyer Limelights, Dealmakers
If anyone needs advice on how to be a successful corporate lawyer and still find time to watch &ld…
June 11, 2012